The Pokémon TCG: Crown Zenith Regidrago V Collection Box includes:
1 foil promo card featuring Regidrago V
1 foil card featuring Regieleki
1 foil oversize card featuring Regidrago V
4 Pokémon TCG: Crown Zenith booster packs
Each booster pack contains 10 cards and either 1 basic Energy or 1 VSTAR marker. Cards vary by pack.
A code card for Pokémon TCG Live
You can find the rest of our Crown Zenith products here
Fire Up a Draconic Laser Beam—with Regidrago V!
Your opponent’s Pokémon have nowhere to hide when Regidrago V roars into battle with a Bench-targeting laser beam! This Dragon-type Legendary Pokémon is ready to join your deck as a foil promo card, along with another foil card featuring the Lightning-type Regieleki. You’ll also find an oversize version of Regidrago V and even more Pokémon inside booster packs from the special Pokémon TCG: Crown Zenith Regidrago V Collection Box.